Fall Line-Up of Pests. Best Defense is a Timely Offence. It's time to go on the offensive so fall pests will be kept out of your home. For many outdoor pests the change in seasons starts their hunt for cold weather refuge. Heading up the list of...
Corky’s Pest Control Blog
Insects Blaze Trails From Wildlands To Gardens and into Homes
Insects are everywhere. They are the most common animals on the planet. More than 1.5 million species of insects have been named, and many more have yet to be discovered. Without insects, our lives would be vastly different. Insects are responsible...
Ants: Farmers, Engineers, Warriors, Workers and Royalty
Ants are a fascinating group of insects capable of achieving so many great things. Today ants are the most numerous living creatures on the planet with the largest biomass of any other animal. For comparison, the combined weight of all ants on...
Termites vs The Human Habitat …………………..Know The Opposition!
Every spring as the weather begins to warm, termites surface in search of new structures to infest. The first termite explorers to show up are the swarmers. These winged invaders look for the most appetizing structures in which to set up new...
Have Holly, Jolly Pest Free Holidays!
Christmas trees, natural garlands, wreaths and firewood make for a festive and fragrant atmosphere but can also bring pests (ants, spiders, ticks, termites, mice etc.) inside your home. Here is how to “deck the halls” without bringing pests inside....
A Frankenstein Bug – Just in time for Halloween!
Scientists have recently discovered a mysterious, 100-million-year-old insect trapped in amber — and as far as anyone knows, it is unlike any other insect that has ever lived on Earth. This strangely pieced together bug, looks like a composite of...
Ants Stop Epidemics and Keep the Colony Healthy!
Whether it’s people, living in jam-packed cities or groups of social insects, ants to be exact, living in teaming colonies, disease can spread quickly among these severely dense populations. Fighting disease seems to require the same efforts no...
Border Crossings are happening every day, and it’s not just people looking for a better life. Humans, animals, fish, insects, plants and diseases (bacteria and viruses) cross our borders on a regular basis and have been since borders were...
Ride-em Cowgirl! Welcome to the Rodeo of the Queens!
As industrious and hard working as the ant has been lauded to be, it has it’s own freeloaders and lazy, opportunistic individuals. Introducing the “Rodeo Ant”. This shiny, little reddish ant belongs to the species, Solenopsis, and is appropriately...
Is Your Personal Vehicle a Traveling Pest Hotel ?
Vehicles, cars, camper-vans, buses, and trucks, provide many pests with a warm dry environment that often contains food. Vehicles can also provide these pests with transport, spreading the pests to wherever the vehicle travels. Most Common Pests...
We have a lot to be thankful for this year. But did you know that there are a lot of reasons to be thankful for insects, our co-inhabitants of this planet? Besides being a nutritious food source for millions of people, they provide their own form...
Tiny Demons Tend the “Devil’s Garden”.
An ant species which is found in the rainforests of South America, Lemon ants (Myrmelachista schumanni), live in and around Duroia Hirstula, a species of tree that provides them with protected nesting areas and offers nutrition in the form of extra...
Living Rafts Carry Fire Ants to Safety
Huckleberry Finn was an amateur raft builder and river rafter when compared to Red Imported Fire ants. As fire ants are flooded out of their underground nests, they hold onto each other for dear life, forming a fire ant flotilla that allows them to...
“It’s not The Planet of the Apes—it’s The Planet of the Arthropods.”
Who are the most successful beings on Earth? It certainly isn’t Man, Ape or any other mammal. The most successful animals on the planet are the arthropods. They have conquered land, sea and air, and make up over three-fourths of all currently known...
Christmas Crashers
There's nothing like the smell of an evergreen tree and a cozy wood fire, to get you in the holiday spirit. But when you bring a live or cut Christmas tree indoors, along with the necessary firewood, some of the insects that have called your...
Argentine Ants and Chemical Warfare
In their quest for world domination, Argentine ants have successfully conquered 6 continents and many islands. How did they do this? Easily, their multi-queen colonies, adaptive abilities (conquering changes in their environment) and their...
It’s Raining and Ants Are In The House Again!
Ants are in the house again! They have been racing into our homes and yards to find water and food since the onset of “the drought”. But look up in the sky, it’s raining and ants are still racing into our homes but now it’s to save their colonies...
Ants Take Hundreds of “Power Naps”.
Ants, labor endlessly to support their colonies, each member having a specific job to perform, from the pampered Queens to the multi-tasking female workers to the short lived males, every member of the colony is continually in motion. So, with all...
How Drought Affects Migrating Insects
How Drought Affects Migrating Insects Current drought conditions are the most severe in approximately 1,200 years, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. 40% of California is in the “exceptional” drought category, which is up 23% from a year...