Home / It’s Raining and Ants Are In The House Again!

It’s Raining and Ants Are In The House Again!

by | Sep 18, 2015 | 0 comments

Ants are in the house again! They have been racing into our homes and yards to find water and food since the onset of “the drought”.  But look up in the sky, it’s raining aP15-AntsGoMarchingTHnd ants are still racing into our homes but now it’s to save their colonies from drowning and they’re bringing all of their “ants”, uncles, cousins, queens, and future generations with them. Their survival imparative – Save the Queen! Save the Eggs!

So it’s not just the drought that brings these annoying trespassers into our homes it’s also the rain, and in the winter, the cold. Our homes and our yards provide optimal resources for their survival and survive they will!

When it isn’t raining, the majority of ants can be found in the nest, creating tunnels and feeding their young. This all stops when it’s raining and ants come out of the nest. When it rains the ants get flushed out of their nests as the rain drenches the soil and floods their nests. Workers scramble to move the queen and all of her eggs to higher ground, which can include our homes.  When ants are in the house,  whether it’s raining or not it is time to call in the professionals and get rid of the ants.

A Stanford University study is the first to examine a phenomenon Californians have long suspected: that the majority of Argentine ant invasions occur during winter rainstorms and summer droughts.

7 Ingenious Ways Ants Survive the Rain




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