Bed bugs might be silently infiltrating your household, launching nightly attacks on your family. Their bites are irritating and often catch you off guard. By learning about their feeding patterns, mating habits, and general behaviors, you'll be...
Corky’s Pest Control Blog
Beware! Bed Bugs Too Are Traveling For The Holidays.
Bedbugs were nearly eliminated in the 1940's with the help of the extremely-powerful, but now banned, chemical DDT. However, they have made a comeback in recent years, showing up in hotels, hospitals, buses, trains, movie theaters and other public...
Fall Line-Up of Pests. The Best Defense is a Timely Offence.
Fall Line-Up of Pests. Best Defense is a Timely Offence. It's time to go on the offensive so fall pests will be kept out of your home. For many outdoor pests the change in seasons starts their hunt for cold weather refuge. Heading up the list of...
Fumigation is a treatment used to exterminate Drywood Termites. ...
Is Your Personal Vehicle a Traveling Pest Hotel ?
Vehicles, cars, camper-vans, buses and trucks, provide many pests with a warm dry environment that often contains food. Vehicles can also provide these pests with transport, spreading the pests to wherever the vehicle travels. Pests such as ants,...
Bed Bugs Hitchhike Around the World
Bedbugs were nearly eliminated in the 1940's with the help of the extremely-powerful, but now banned, chemical DDT. However, they have made a comeback in recent years, showing up in hotels, hospitals, buses, trains, movie theaters and other public...