Snails and slugs are members of the phylum Mollusca, along with, clams and oysters as well as squid, cuttlefish and octopus. Slugs evolved from snails and many species still retain a vestigial shell hidden under their mantle. The remnant shell is...

Snails and slugs are members of the phylum Mollusca, along with, clams and oysters as well as squid, cuttlefish and octopus. Slugs evolved from snails and many species still retain a vestigial shell hidden under their mantle. The remnant shell is...
Snails and Slugs, may be slow but the damage they do to ornamental plants, vegetable gardens and citrus orchards is devastating and costly. These gastropods, have eaten and slimed their way into the top 5 most unwanted pests in the...
Border Crossings are happening every day, and it’s not just people looking for a better life. Humans, animals, fish, insects, plants and diseases (bacteria and viruses) cross our borders on a regular basis and have been since borders were...
All bugs hatch from eggs, which usually live on the undersides of leaves or in hidden spots on plants. The eggs hatch into larvae (also called caterpillars, grubs, or maggots), which will later become adults. Adult bugs lay eggs and usually have...
1. The Mosquito with 755,000 causal deaths per year. 2. Snails with 200,000 3. Snakes with 94,000