Fall Line-Up of Pests. Best Defense is a Timely Offence. It's time to go on the offensive so fall pests will be kept out of your home. For many outdoor pests the change in seasons starts their hunt for cold weather refuge. Heading up the list of...
Corky’s Pest Control Blog
Roaches, Here Today! – Here Tomorrow? Not If We Can Help It!
Some scientists and researchers believe, the Cockroach, a bug designed by nature to adapt so successfully to its environment that it has survived -- virtually unchanged -- for hundreds of millions of years, is truly worthy of some respect and it’s...
Fumigation is a treatment used to exterminate Drywood Termites. ...
A Frankenstein Bug – Just in time for Halloween!
Scientists have recently discovered a mysterious, 100-million-year-old insect trapped in amber — and as far as anyone knows, it is unlike any other insect that has ever lived on Earth. This strangely pieced together bug, looks like a composite of...
Rampaging Roaches Becoming Almost Impossible to Kill!
It’s the German cockroach that is now being dubbed the “Superbug” of the insect world. These tiny roaches are swift, prolific and love to live right up close and personal with human beings. Blattella germanica, better known as the German...
Is Your Personal Vehicle a Traveling Pest Hotel ?
Vehicles, cars, camper-vans, buses and trucks, provide many pests with a warm dry environment that often contains food. Vehicles can also provide these pests with transport, spreading the pests to wherever the vehicle travels. Pests such as ants,...
We have a lot to be thankful for this year. But did you know that there are a lot of reasons to be thankful for insects, our co-inhabitants of this planet? Besides being a nutritious food source for millions of people, they provide their own form...
“It’s not The Planet of the Apes—it’s The Planet of the Arthropods.”
Who are the most successful beings on Earth? It certainly isn’t Man, Ape or any other mammal. The most successful animals on the planet are the arthropods. They have conquered land, sea and air, and make up over three-fourths of all currently known...
Termites are Cockroaches with a Fabulous Social Life.
As of February 15, 2018, it was official, termites are socially advanced wood eating roaches, but not all cockroaches are termites. Once biologists were able to use DNA to identify genealogical relationships, evidence quickly began to show that...