Home / Understanding Bed Bugs in California

Understanding Bed Bugs in California

by | Mar 20, 2024 | 0 comments

Bed bugs might be silently infiltrating your household, launching nightly attacks on your family. Their bites are irritating and often catch you off guard. By learning about their feeding patterns, mating habits, and general behaviors, you’ll be better equipped to detect and address any infestation promptly and know when to seek help from bed bug control experts.

How to Recognize Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They have a flat, oval-shaped body and are typically about the size of an apple seed when fully grown, ranging from 4 to 5 millimeters in length.

Some key physical characteristics of bed bugs include:

  • Flat body. Bed bugs have a flattened body, which allows them to hide in cracks and crevices in furniture, mattresses, and walls. When they feed, they become engorged with blood, which can cause their bodies to swell and appear more elongated and darker in color.
  • Reddish-brown color. Adult bed bugs are usually a reddish-brown color, although they may appear darker after feeding.
  • Six legs. Like all insects, bed bugs have six legs. These legs enable them to move quickly across surfaces.
  • Antennae. They have short, segmented antennae that protrude from their heads.
  • Wingless. They are unable to fly, but they can crawl relatively quickly.

Most Common Habits of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are known to have a cryptic lifestyle. Understanding their habits can be helpful in identifying and controlling bed bug infestations. From the way they live to the way they feed, here are some of their most common habits:

  • Nocturnal. It’s rare to find bed bugs in broad daylight. Bed bugs are primarily active at night when their hosts are asleep. They come out of their hiding spots to feed on the blood of humans or animals.
  • Hiding places. Bed bugs don’t like to be disturbed at all, so they prefer to hide in tight spaces near their feeding areas, such as mattress seams, bed frames, headboards, and furniture joints.
  • Clustering. Bed bugs tend to cluster together in groups, especially in areas where they can easily access their hosts. This clustering behavior helps them communicate and mate more efficiently.
  • Carbon dioxide. Bed bugs are attracted to the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans and animals, which helps them locate their hosts for feeding.
  • Feeding. After feeding, they may leave behind small reddish-brown fecal stains on bedding or nearby surfaces, as well as shed skins or eggshells. These signs can help in identifying an infestation.
  • Quick reproduction and lifecycle. Bed bugs reproduce quickly, with females laying hundreds of eggs in their lifetime. They go through several nymph stages before reaching adulthood, molting and feeding between each stage.
  • Common Hiding Spots of Bed Bugs. Bed bugs are adept at hiding in various places, particularly those close to where people sleep or spend extended periods. Some of the most common hiding spots for bed bugs include:
  • Mattresses and box springs. Bed bugs often hide in the seams, folds, and crevices of mattresses and box springs, as these provide convenient hiding places near their hosts.
  • Bed frames. Bed bugs may hide in cracks, joints, and other openings in bed frames, including the headboard and footboard.
  • Bedding and linens. Sheets, blankets, pillowcases, and other bedding materials can harbor bed bugs, especially in seams and folds.
  • Furniture. Upholstered furniture such as sofas, chairs, and ottomans are common hiding spots for bed bugs, particularly in seams, cushions, and underneath.
  • Wall junctions. Bed bugs can hide in cracks and crevices where walls meet, including baseboards, crown molding, and electrical outlets.
  • Carpets and rugs. Bed bugs may hide in the fibers of carpets and rugs, especially along the edges and underneath if they can access the underside.
  • Luggage and personal belongings. When traveling, bed bugs can hitch a ride in luggage, backpacks, purses, and other personal belongings, potentially infesting new locations.
  • Clothing. Piles of clothing, especially those left on the floor or in cluttered areas, can provide hiding spots for bed bugs.
  • Electronics. Bed bugs may occasionally hide in electronic devices, such as alarm clocks, radios, and bedside lamps, particularly if they are near sleeping areas.
  • Cracks and Crevices. In severe infestations, bed bugs can spread beyond typical hiding spots and hide in cracks and crevices throughout the room, including behind wallpaper, picture frames, and baseboards.

Regular inspection of these common hiding spots can help detect bed bug infestations early, allowing for prompt treatment to prevent further spread.

Call Bed Bug Control Experts in California

Corky’s Pest Control can help you eliminate bed bugs. We offer QualityPro-certified treatments to eliminate bed bugs. Learn more about our Bed Bug Control and Extermination Service in San Bernardino, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, and Orange County. Call Corky’s Pest Control at 800-901-1102 to request a quote or free inspection!


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