Corky’s Pest Control Blog

Above All Else, Spiders Are Predators.
Spiders are consummate hunters and killers and in the world of bugs, they are the equivalent of wolves, lions and sharks. Hunting strategies differ among spider species. Some build fantastic webs to capture passing insects, like the Orb Weavers, while others, like...
Ants: Farmers, Engineers, Warriors, Workers and Royalty
Ants are a fascinating group of insects capable of achieving so many great things. Today ants are the most numerous living creatures on the planet with the largest biomass of any other animal. For comparison, the combined weight of all ants on earth is more than the...
Termites vs The Human Habitat …………………..Know The Opposition!
Every spring as the weather begins to warm, termites surface in search of new structures to infest. The first termite explorers to show up are the swarmers. These winged invaders look for the most appetizing structures in which to set up new colonies. Being new kings...
Look out for Ticks!
Ticks may look like tiny spiders, but they are not. They belong to the arachnid family, which includes spiders, scorpions and mites. Ticks are among the most efficient carriers of disease because they will attach firmly when sucking blood, feed slowly and can go...
Tiny Tick-ing Time Bombs.
Unlike many other biting pests, ticks are adapted to feed for long periods of time. They bury their curved fishhook-like teeth deeply into the skin of a host, so they can remain securely attached for days on end eating. It’s important to understand that ticks...
Roaches, Here Today! – Here Tomorrow? Not If We Can Help It!
Some scientists and researchers believe, the Cockroach, a bug designed by nature to adapt so successfully to its environment that it has survived -- virtually unchanged -- for hundreds of millions of years, is truly worthy of some respect and it’s place on the tree of...
Subterranean Termites: Denizens of the Underworld
Subterranean termites can be found throughout the United States. In California, the Western Subterranean termite, feasts on dead wood, tree stumps and fallen trees that are in direct contact with soil, in forested areas, landscapes or the structural lumber of homes,...
Snails and slugs are members of the phylum Mollusca, along with, clams and oysters as well as squid, cuttlefish and octopus. Slugs evolved from snails and many species still retain a vestigial shell hidden under their mantle. The remnant shell is used primarily for...
Snails and Slugs: Slow, But Sure to Ruin Your Garden!
Snails and Slugs, may be slow but the damage they do to ornamental plants, vegetable gardens and citrus orchards is devastating and costly. These gastropods, have eaten and slimed their way into the top 5 most unwanted pests in the garden. Typically you will find...