Home / Spiders Add Dancing To Their Skill Set.

Spiders Add Dancing To Their Skill Set.

by | Sep 11, 2015 | 0 comments

All spiders crawPeacock Spider Jurgen-otto.2l, some swim, others are known for their jumping skills and still  others for their ability to catch a breeze and “balloon” to distant lands or into the nearest home. Spiders are fascinating creatures but not welcome visitors in our living spaces. Best to keep spiders out of the house and let them perform their dance routines elswhere.

The jumping spider has added one more skill to its list of accomplishments: Awesome Dance Moves.

With their spectacularly colored bodies, rhythmic body movements, and booty-shaking gyrations, male peacock spiders (a species of jumping spider) put on a fantastic show to attract the attention of perspective mates.

Male spiders aren’t just dancing to get a “meaningful” date; they’re dancing for their lives. Their courtship performance is a life or death proposition, a truly risky business for the males, since female jumping spiders won’t hesitate to eat their suitors. Funny thing; they only seem to eat the bad dancers.  Keep practicing guys!                Shake that booty!

Original Video by Jurgen Otto: http://youtu.be/d_yYC5r8xMI Edited by Dario Trovato http://www.balzo.eu.

More on Dancing Spiders: http://mentalfloss.com/article/62195/5-flashy-facts-about-peacock-spiders


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