Termite Spot Treatment in San Diego, CA

- The spot treatment process entails drilling small holes into the wood, and then injecting a dry termiticide, Termidor SC. As with all of our termite control methods, local spot treatments are guaranteed for up to four years. This method of termite control is designed to target local points of infestation.
- How do you know if you need a spot treatment? You’ll see termite droppings. Termite droppings come in the form of small pellets. When termites put out droppings it’s an indication that they’re ready to swarm. Do spot treatment before the problem gets worse and you have to fumigate. Spot treatments are not invasive and more affordable than a fumigation. The rule is to catch termites early. Call us immediately.Spot treatments can be done while you stay home.

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Get rid of Termites
Termite Control for up to 4-Year Guarantee
If drywood termites re-infest an area that we have previously exterminated, we will re-treat that area, free of charge, for up to four years from the date of our original termite control treatment. Any ancillary expenses will be covered by the homeowner. Termite Control Guarantee is not transferable to a new home owner. Our 4 year guarantee does not apply to commercial buildings or escrow transactions.

Termite Treatment Solutions
Corkys’ has many termite control treatments. Call us for a free quote over the phone.
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Termite Protection
Defend your home with Corky’s year-round protection plan against drywood and subterranean termites.
Termite Protection