Rats are everywhere! That is, everywhere humans are.Rats can be traced first, from Asia where they then spread throughout Europe along trade routes. Then they were brought to the Americas by ships transporting people and supplies, to the new...

Rats are everywhere! That is, everywhere humans are.Rats can be traced first, from Asia where they then spread throughout Europe along trade routes. Then they were brought to the Americas by ships transporting people and supplies, to the new...
A perfect storm of residential rat invasions has been created by the Covid-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, it is imparative to get rid of rats. People are producing more food waste at home, now that restaurant trash generation has decreased....
According to the 2020 Chinese Zodiac calendar, the Lunar New Year starts on Saturday, January 25th and ends on February 11th, 2021. It is the 4717th Chinese New Year and the Rat is it’s representative. The Rat is the first sign from the 12 animal...
Members of the Muridae family are the dominant species in every region of the world, due to their ability to adapt to and exploit new situations. Commensal rats and mice, those that live at the expense of humans, invade their dwellings, eat their...