Flea Identification
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What’s a Flea
Fleas live on host animals.

There are more than 2,000 known species and subspecies of fleas. Some of the most common fleas include cat fleas, dog fleas, oriental rat fleas, tropical hen fleas, rabbit fleas and human fleas. Although the names of the fleas usually indicate the preferred host, all of these fleas may choose dogs, cats, or humans as hosts. When fleas become a nuisance our Flea Control Service will help in reducing their numbers.
- Cat Flea – The most common species of fleas found on household dogs and cats in North America is the domestic cat flea. This species of flea selects dogs, cats, and humans as its preferred hosts.
- Dog Flea – Despite the name, this flea will not only affect dogs, but also cats, humans, and other animals. The dog flea is also commonly found on wild animals, such as raccoons and opossums, and on livestock. Both cat and dog fleas are carriers of the common tapeworm parasite, which affects both dogs and cats.
- Oriental Rat Flea – This flea is a carrier of the bubonic plague. These fleas prefer rats, but will feed off of humans, dogs and cats if necessary.
- Tropical Hen Flea – Also known as the stick tight flea, this species of flea mainly affects poultry, but will also make a meal of a cat or dog (or other animal) if they happen to be in the vicinity.
- Rabbit Flea – The rabbit flea is seen not only on wild rabbits and pet rabbits, but dogs and cats as well. Typically they feed on the ears of the dog or cat and cause crusts and papules, particularly around the edges of the ear.
- Human Flea – These fleas prefer a human host, but will also commonly feed from pigs, dogs, and cats. They like to infest the hair of humans. Human fleas are not that common anymore, thanks to better hygiene and cleaning methods, but they are still present.
Appearance: Fleas are approximately 1/16” – 1/8” long and can jump up to seven inches. They prefer warm dark places. Depending on the environmental conditions, the flea life cycle can range from several weeks to several months. There are more than 2,000 known species and subspecies of fleas!
Eating Habits: Fleas feed on the blood of mammals and birds.
Life Cycle: Fleas have four life stages. The egg which lives 2-14 days. The larva which lives 8-14 days. The pupa which lives 5-7 days. And the final stage is the blood biting adult which lives 2 weeks to 3 months.
Health Concerns: Fleas can be a source of both irritation and disease. Flea bites cause small, red, itchy bumps, usually on the ankles and lower legs. People with allergies to flea bites suffer from hives, rashes or generalized itching. Both cat and dog fleas are carriers of the common tapeworm parasite, which affects both dogs and cats. Fleas found on wild rodents such as squirrels, rats and prairie dogs may bite you and transmit disease.