Quick Facts Squirrels

Corky’s Ground Squirrel Service
The California Ground Squirrel (also known as the Beechey Ground Squirrel) is a common sight scampering along trails, chirruping to each other, and lounging on the dirt in front of their borrows.

These extremely adaptable rodents can be found, wherever grass is short, ground areas are wide open, and food is plentiful. They feed on a wide variety of plants, grasses, seeds and berries during the spring and summer. In the fall their diet changes to include roots, acorns, mushrooms and plant and shrub leaves. They are mostly vegetarian but have been known to dine on voles and insects that invade their burrows, bird eggs (quail mostly) and when populations become overcrowded, females have been observed eating their neighbor’s young.
Ground Squirrels have a talent for digging holes and ruining landscapes They are also good engineers. Their tunnel systems can be 6 feet deep and up to 35 feet long, with multiple entrances as well as rooms for nurseries, sleeping and food storage. Adults keep mostly to themselves, each squirrel maintaining its own entrance to a communal burrow system, or even its own private quarters. Females will set up house near their mothers, while males will travel up to a mile away to join different squirrel colonies.

California ground squirrels will bite if disturbed and are known to be carriers of bubonic plague, tularemia and many other diseases that are transmitted to humans. They also harbor fleas, mites and ticks. Their burrowing can cause severe erosion, destruction of vegetation, loss of structural integrity to buildings (cracking foundations), walkways and driveways. They also create ankle breaking and fall hazards. They eat their weight in landscape plants and when they are not eating or sleeping, they are gnawing, on tree bark, sticks, plastic lawn sprinklers and hoses, and house electrical wiring (Fire Hazzard!). Squirrels can cause a lot of damage inside and outside structures. Therefore, they must be controlled outside before they wander inside.
Like all living creatures, they need food, water and shelter to survive, and our Southern California properties provide these commodities in abundance.

This is why, Corky’s Pest Control’s Ground Squirrel Control Service is so important. It alleviates the stress of unsuccessful, do-it-yourself failures, by eliminating active squirrels and keeping others away from our customers properties Our 2-step service program includes an initial service, consisting of a thorough property inspection and identification of the invader, plus 2 treatments, 4 weeks apart and follow-up maintenance services scheduled to control future invasions. Our specially built squirrel extermination equipment in combination with a year-round control maintenance program is perfect for customers whose properties are subject to constant invasion from neighboring yards, fields and open spaces.
You can save money when you combine your year-round squirrel control program with Corky’s Ultimate Pest Control Service for Ants and Spiders that includes guaranteed preventative treatments for ticks, aphids, whitefly and mosquitoes.
Get rid of Ground Squirrels!
Call Corky’s! 1-800-901-1102 or go online and Schedule your service Today!