Fabric Pest Treatment Preparation
Preparation for Indoor Services
Here are some do-it-yourself recommendations:
It is necessary for you to prepare for our arrival and a successful treatment of your home. Here is what you do.
- Prepare all occupants and animals to leave the premises for up to four (4) hours or until the treatment materials are dry.
- Prepare birds and reptiles to leave the premises for ten (10) hours minimum.
- Remove all items from the infested areas. Examine these items and thoroughly clean anything that may be a source of infestation. (i.e. shoes, clothes, toys, books, e .t. c.)
Important: Do not remove items from the infested area without first placing in a sealed container.
- Vacuum thoroughly before treatment. Never use your central unit to perform the cleanup as this may exacerbate the problem. Empty the contents of your vacuum outside of your home, into a sealed bag and dispose of properly. Clean the vacuum to the best of your ability before returning to your home.
Washing Instructions
Before taking on this task, please read all fabric labels to determine the washabilty. We cannot assume responsibility for damage to items due to improper handling.
- Separate all items before removing them, into separated loads. (i.e. washable, dry-able or dry cleaning)
- Place each separated load into sealed plastic bags.
- Keep washable items sealed in bags and empty directly into your washer. Once emptied, immediately dispose of in an outside trash container.
- Keep dry cleaning items in sealed bags until you deliver these items to your dry cleaner. Inform the cleaner of the pest problem.
- Non-washable items, curtains or area rugs, may be placed in the dryer on high heat for 30 minutes if tolerance to high heat is a characteristic of the fabric type.
After Service
After the treatment area is completely dry, you may return the cleaned, uninfected items. Do not clean the treated areas, this will remove the residual materials used to combat your problem and will leave the treated areas unprotected.