Basic steps to ensure a successful Gopher Control Service
- When possible, keep yard areas clear of clutter to reduce hiding places for gophers. Your technician appreciates a clear field to spot gopher holes and to apply his expert skills to get rid of them.
- Well-kept lawns and gardens reduce the amount of food available to gophers and brings to light hidden areas of infestation.
- Watering schedules should be maintained, and broken pipes and sprinklers fixed. Gophers need water to survive. Overwatering encourages them to hang around.
- Consider replacing plantings with those that gophers don’t like. Gophers aren’t known to be picky eaters but there are still some plants that they refuse to have on their menu (ex. rosemary, lavender, Mexican sage (Salvia leucantha), zonal and scented geraniums, lantana, eucalyptus, and society garlic). Also use gopher barriers or baskets to protect plants. Raised flower beds and vegetable gardens work too.
These suggestions are all geared to deprive gophers of what they need most in order to survive. Safe harborage (shelter), Water and Food.
It is important to call if you see activity between services. A quick response keeps gophers under control.
Gopher Control is only successful when we work together to accomplish our mutual goal; keeping gophers out of lawns, away from gardens and off your property. Combining these measures with Corky’s Gopher Control Service is our path to a successful gopher program.