Preparation for Bed Bug Treatment

Please follow these instructions:
Bed bugs are difficult to control. Many steps need to be taken to eliminate these parasites. Preparing your home before treatment is a major part of bed bug control. We understand there is a lot to do, but it is imperative the following steps be taken before treatment. We have provided instructions below on how to prepare. The proper preparation of your home is vital to successful treatment results and prevention of future infestation.
If your home is not properly prepared by the time of treatment, treatment may not be performed. In the event treatment cannot be done, a $45 service fee will be charged and the treatment may be rescheduled. Plan ahead and follow the detailed preparation instructions to help with bed bug eradication.
Here’s what to do:
- Remove all bedding. Place bedding into sealed plastic bags to be washed and dried. If items require dry cleaning place into a sealed plastic bag and remove from the premises prior to treatment.
- Remove curtains and window dressing. Place these items into sealed plastic bags to be washed and dried. If items require dry cleaning place in a sealed plastic bag and remove from the premises prior to treatment.
- Remove all clutter and debris from the floor. (i.e. shoes, clothes, toys, books, etc.)
- Thoroughly vacuum all floors and carpets. Empty vacuum contents into a sealed plastic bag and discard into an outside receptacle. Our treatment must start with a clean environment.
- Shake and clean items from the top of dressers, nightstands, desks, etc. and place them into sealed plastic containers. Leave containers inside the home.
- Empty all closets. Place clothing into sealed plastic bags to be washed and dried. If garments require dry cleaning place into a sealed plastic bag and remve from the premises prior to treatment.
- Empty all drawers. Shake and wipe clean accessories such as shoes, handbags, etc. Place them into sealed plastic bags and leave them in the home.
- Replace cardboard storage boxes with plastic sealable storage containers. Be sure to shake and clean contents before sealing.
Prepare birds and reptiles to evacuate the premises for ten (10) hours.
- Unplug and cover fish tanks the day of treatment.
- Plan to evacuate all occupants and animals from inside the premises for a minimum of four (4) hours until the treatment materials are dry.
When scheduling, please notify us about any antiques, fine art or collectibles in the home. Special precautions will need to be noted.
Do not remove items from the infested room until these items are secured in plastic bags or containers
Wash all garments before returning to rooms.
Before taking on this task, please read all fabric labels to determine what items are machine washable versus dry cleaning only. We cannot assume responsibility for damage to items due to improper handling.
Washing Instructions:
Separate all items before removing them. (i.e. machine wash or dry cleaning) Empty separated sealed bagged laundry loads directly into the washer or dryer. Carefully discard the empty bags into an outside receptacle. Wash all clothing in hot water and dry on the highest setting allowed for the garments for at least 30 minutes. We are not reponsible for damage done as a result of high heat, so please read the labels to choose the appropriate cleaning method. Non washable items such as curtains or area rugs may be placed in the dryer on high heat for 30 minutes. Be sure tolerance to high heat is a characteristic of the fabric type.